Halifax international buskers festival 02,12
Dundas international buskers festival 01
Waterloo buskers carnival 99
Victoria fringe festival 98
Edmonton fringe festival 98
Saskatoon fringe festival 98,97
Edmonton international street performers festival 97
Vancouver international street fair 97

Salzburg theatre festival 03
Innsbruck festival 01
Lienz ummi gummi festival 00
Linz pflasterspektakel 99,13
Villach stadfest 99
Lienz Ooo La La 05

Port fairy folk festival 99,04,06,07
Adelaide fringe festival 98,99,04,08,12,13
Coffs Harbour street festival 02,06,11,15,17,18,20,21,22
Launceston Festivale 02,08,19,20,22,23,24
Fremantle buskers festival 00,02,07,11,15,19,20, 24
Hobart Taste of Tassie 99,00,01,06,11,15,19,20
Sydney Australia Day 98,03,04,09
Sydney Glebe Street Fair 98,11
Kiama Seaside Festival 98
Sydney Rocks Street Theatre Festival 98
Woodford Folk Festival 96
Yamba Surfing Coldstream Festival 06
Adelaide Int. Buskers Festival 07,11,15
Tasmanian Circus Festival 09
Cairns International Festival 09,11
Port Douglas Carnivale 10,13
Wollongong Viva La Gong 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
Canberra Floriade 09,12,15,17,18
Canberra Tilt Festival 09
Sydney Hoopla Festival 12,13,14
Fairbridge Folk Festival 11
Lithgow IronFest 11,13,14
W.A. Circus Festival 12
Byron Bay Falls Festival 13,14,15
Sydney Children’s Festival 14
Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23
Lugarno 14,15
Kiama Show 20,22,23,24
Shellharbour Rocks the Flats 23
The Concord Carnival 19 22,23
The Kazador Mini Spiegeltent Season Kiama 22
Ride the Cultural Gong Wollongong 22
Kiama Australia Day Celebrations 22
Sydney Mardi Gras Family Day 22
Parramatta Nights 22
OUW Pulse Week Wollongong 22
The KISS Arts Festival Kiama 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23
Wollongong Laneways 22
Shellharbour Rocks The Marina 22
Ignite Festival 22
Orange Winter Fire FestivaL 22
UOW Wellness Day 22
Frostival Goulbourn 22
Bankstown City Festival 22
UCI Wollongong 22
The Wanderer Festival 21, 22, 23
The Deni Ute Muster 21,22,23
Shell Cove Marina Food and Wine Festival 22
Djerriwarrh Festival 22
Race Day Bathurst 22
Bankstown Council Christmas Carols 22
Shellharbour Carols 22
Family Christmas Friday Wine Down Kiama 22
The Berry Show Ball 20
Shellharbour Australia Day Celebrations 20
Borderville Albury/Wodonga 20
Seniors Week Kiama 20
Parramatta Australia Day 19
International Women’s Day Shoalhaven 19
The Builders Comedy Club Wollongong 19
Begonia Festival 17,18,19
The Bombala Show 19
The Moss Vale Show 19
She’ll be Right, The Servo Port Kembla 19
Movies in the Park Inner West Council 19
The Thirlmere Train Museum 19
ANU SA Bush Week ACT 19
Shellharbour Local Government Week 19
Bondi to Berry Bike Race 19
Moocooboola Festival 19
Bondi Festival of the winds 18, 19
Dulwich Hill Village Fair 19
Buskers by the Creek Gold Coast 19
Sydney Rides Big Adventure 18,19
Little Laneways festival Blacktown 19
Christmas in the City Sydney 19
Fairgrounds Festival Berry 19
Lord Mayor’s Picnic Sydney 19
Lost Lands Festival Werribee 19

Radebuel festival 05
Brackenheim Street festival 05,13
Koblenz Gaukler festival 05,99,11
Bremen La Strada Festival 05,99
Hannover Kleinsfest 01,02,04,05,07,08,10,14,15, 17,18,23
Kiel Duckstein festival 04,10,13,14,17,18
Berlin Kleins festival 04
Kronberg street festival 04
Moers international comedy festival 99,04,13
Oranienbaum Kleins Festival 03
Ortenberg Altstad Festival 14
Ludwigslust Kleins festival 03,06,07,10,14,17,18
Wissmar street festival 02
Bad Prymont klein festival 02,03,07,10,14,15,17,18,19
Lubeck Duckstein Festival 00,07,10,14,17,18,19
Hamburg Fleetinsel festival 00,10
Ludwigshafen strassen th. festival 01,05,
Dortmund Micro festival 01,06
Idar Oberstein street festival 08
Hanau Lamboy Festival 01
Ibbenburen stadt festival 01,06
Rastatt “tete tete” Strassen festival 00
Saarbrucken Kultur direct festival 00
Attendorn street theatre festival 00,06,11
Heilbronn street theatre festival 00
Nordhorn stunt and lach 99
Darmstadt strassentheatre festival 99,13
Ahlen stadtfest 99
Schwerte weltheater der strasse 99,02
Rhiene stadtfest 99
Berlin Lach festival 06
Scheveringen Stadfest 06
Zweibrucken Kunstler 09
Leer Kleines Fest 09,10,13
Clementswerth Kleines fest 10,13,17,18
Braunschweig schlossspektakel 09,19
Pflasterzauber Hildesheim 13
Open Flair Festival Bocham 13

Zagreb c’est is the best 11
Morlaix Le FAR 10
Pornichet Renc’Arts de Pornichet 10
Aimiens in the street 11
Epinal Rire de rue Festival 14

United Kingdom
Shrewsbury int. street festival 06,11
Grey sheep Cabaret 05
Brighton, streets of 09
Cardiff waterfront festival 05,04
Gallway Ireland 04
Peterborough raft race 04
Cabaret Heaven 04,05,06
Edinburgh fringe festival 03,04,07,08,11,13,14, 15,16,17,18
Cornwall candlelit cabaret 03
Leeds international festival 01
Stockton riverside festival 00
Glastonbury festival 99,03,04,05,07,09,11,13,14,15,17,18,19
Winchester hat fair 99,07,09,10,12,13,15,16,18
Belfast Festival of Fools 07
Belfast Sundays 09
Ashbourne Street Festival 09,13,16,17
Great Yarmouth Street Arts Festival 10
London Watch this space 12
Torquay Festival 12,13

Gavle Street night 08
Gothenburg festival 09,12
New Zealand
Auckland street performers festival 03
Waimate buskers festival 02
Christchurch worldbusker 99,00,02,03
Nelson buskers festival 99,02,08,11
Santiago clown Festival 04
Andorra festival int. de pallasses 01
Pati free Terrassa 00
Pati free Torell Festus 01
Pati free Alcala 00
Pati free Vallodolid 00
Pati free Bilboa 00
Pati free Santiago de Compostella 00

Daidogei Worldcup Shizuoka 00
Maaschelen festival del Mundo 08,10
Herve Festival du Rue 08
Houthalen Lachfestival 05
Lokeren Parktheatre festival 01,09
Menen Straattheatrefestival 99,05,11
Lauwe Theatre Festival 09,11
Poperinge Cyrusfeesten 10
Mol Straatkunsten Festival 11
Boom Theatre ann het Water 10,12
St Pieters Leeuw 13

Limburg straat festival 03,04,08, 19
Oerol festival 03,04,08,12,13
Vlissingen Perfect pitch 04,07
Vlissingen straat festival 03,11
Duiven straat festival 03
Oss fantastival festival 03
Mixstream music festival 03
Katwijk straat festival 02
Doetinchem city festival 01
Udenhout festipet 01
Edam singlefestival 01
Armeland street theatre festival 00
Groningen GGZ festival 00
Nijmegen entertainment 00
Culemberg community kids 00
Rotterdam straatfestival 99,00
Leeuwarden straatfestival 99
Emmen theatre de muleval ,99,00
Woerdn 15

Sestri Leventi Premio Anderson 05
Sanzana Festival 05
Ljubljana intenational st.fesival 01,05
Maribor international st. festival 01,05
United States
Hawaii vaudeville festival 00,01
Rhode Island Festival 00
Middle East - Dubai Shopping week | Abu Dhabi Flower Festival | Abu Dhabi Street Theatre Festival | Bharain Ramadam Festivities | Oman Shopping Week 19 | Singapore Christmas Spectacular 17
Other - Halifax | Windsor and St John Buskers Festivals | Canada Two Oceans Cape Town International | Street Theatre Festival South Africa | Cairo British Embassy | Variety Theatre Tour of Iceland | P.O Cruise Liners | Holland America Cruise Liners | Princess Cruise Liners
Variety Shows - GOP Variety Theatre Bad Oyenhaussen 08 | GOP Variety Theatre Essen 08 | GOP Variety Theatre Hannover 06,07 GOP | Variety Theatre Munster 07 | Cabaret Tent Glastonbury 04,07 | Theatre Tent Glastonbury 05,09 | Gala for Kids Adelaide 07 | Baby Needs Milk Theatre Tour UK 09 | Variety City Braunschwieg 07 | Palazzo Variety Frankfurt 09 | Fool’s Gold KISS Arts Festival 12 | Circus Monoxide Australian tours 11,12 | The Vault Cabaret Port Kembla 12,13,14,15,16 | Treasures from the Vault Merrigong Theatre Wollongong 12 | The Naked Truth Kiki and Pascal Adelaide Fringe Festival 13 | The Kiama Kabaret 15,16,17,18,19,20, 21, 22